If you are a big planner like me, you want to know in advance the things you will need the most to make a situation easier. I did a lot of blog reading before Keaton was born trying to see where I should spend or save money. The following is a list of items that have really come in handy so far while rearing our mini human...
Soothies |
1. The Boppy Lounger - this thing gets hands down the most use in our house. We place Keat in it sometimes for feedings, to nap in our bed so we don't squash him, and we take it on the patio or balcony to prop him up in a regular human sized chair. Love this thing....it never loses shape. Only complaint is that the cover is not removable and we all know how many bodily baby fluids can be excreted.
2. Graco Sound Machine - this specific sound machine is so awesome. It not only plays lullabys, classical tunes, white noise, womb noises, but it also has an ipod jack to play a personalized playlist or pandora off your cell phone. Love it. Oh, and it is a nightlight in a non annoying blue hue.
3. Aden and Anais swaddle blankets - got these as a gift. These are the perfect lightweight softness. Large so you can use to swaddle wrap your baby, or double up if baby is chilly. I use these every day during anytime, and in Keatons car seat to cover his casts.
4. Soothie Pacifiers - forget all the fancy ergonomics and oral stimulating Pacifiers. This is the one they give your newborn in the hospital. Made by Avent you can buy more at Target. This is the only pacifier Keaton LOVES so we stocked up early on.
5. Playtex Ventaire Bottles - we bought a ton of different bottles, but these are by far our favorites. Durable, awesome shape, and the venting system keeps Keaton less gassy. We tried Avents, Similac bottles, and these. These were hands down our favorite.
6. Swaddleme Swaddle wraps - a necessity if your baby likes to be swaddled. We ended up buying four of these and Keaton wears one every single night. So much easier with the velcro then crying to blanket wrap tightly at 3am.
7. Baby Einstein play mat - best activity mat on the market. Comes with so many entertaining add ons. keaton enjoys everyday and used for tummy time too.
8. Rock n Play Sleeper - this was a lifesaver for his first two weeks home. Kept him close at bedtime when we were doing the every two hour feeding nonsense. It also allowed us to get used to his nighttime noises and made the transition to his crib less painful. It's also very light and portable.
Aden and Anais Blankets |
Swaddleme |
Graco Sound Machine |
Rock n Play Sleeper |
Boppy Lounger |
Baby Einstein Play Mat |
Playtex Ventaire Bottles |
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